Paws Out and About #47


Hope you humans all ok this very hot weather!

We've been busy as our human has taken some annual leave from work. Busy in the garden, planting, moving plants, arguing with the bamboo that's suddenly sprouting out everywhere in the garden and Sunday morning litterpicks.

Human decided it was time again to make a big batch of our canine friendly meals for the freezer. If you remember that one of the miserable teenagers ate one of our meals last....they are still here, still mumbling and still up all night and asleep all day. Human made us canine spaghetti bolognaise Simmer a handful of Pero biscuits and broken up pieces of spaghetti in a saucepan until soft and a gravy has formed. Leave to cool near window and far away from any hungry felines. Once cool serve some of the batch to inpatient canines and felines circling your legs in the kitchen. Place rest of the cooked batch into freezable containers.

Note to self remember to label clearly DOG FOOD before placing in the bottom of the freezer far away from any pizzas and jacket potatoes.

Our rescue cat Dotty (who is more white with a few black dots) is molting, seriously car fur everywhere. We are covered in cat fur. Lola did decided if she tried to groom Dotty there might be less cat fur everywhere but was greeted with the fastest every claw swipe ever! Human has been spraying Dotty with some special spray to soothe the furless patches but she still looks strange a bit like the miserable teenagers with no head fur on the side but lots and lots of fur on top of their head.

Right we've had our break now back out into the garden to bark at some very pesky seagulls.

Woof Lily-McVitie